Rust Common Programming Concepts

Posted by ChaosNyaruko on February 20, 2021


Variable and Mutability

  1. Rust中的变量默认是不可变的(immutable), Rust的安全性和易写并发的推手(nudge)之一
  2. 不可变变量并不等于常量(constants)
    • 始终不可变,并且总是需要[annotate]
    • 可以在任何范围内声明,包括全局(global)
    • 只能用一个常量表达式(constant expression)赋值
    const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 100_000;
  3. Shadowing
    • 和mut不同
    • 同一个名字可以成为不同的类型

Data Types

  1. Rust是静态类型语言(statically typed)
  2. 当有多种可能性编译器无法直接推导(infer)出来时,要使用类型注解(type annotation)
     let guess: u32 = "42".parse().expect("Not a number!");
  3. Scalar Types
    • integers
      • i/u 区分有无符号
      • 有明确大小(an explicit size)
      • 也可以使用isize/usize表示架构相关大小(64/32)
      • 对于原始数值类型(primitive numeric types),可以使用标准库的特定想法处理overflow, wrapping_*, checked_*, overflowing_*, saturating_*
    • floating-point numbers
      • f32, f64, 默认为f64
    • Booleans
      • bool
      • true/false
    • characters
      • char
      • single quotes
      • 4bytes, represents a Unicode Scalar Value(U+0000~U+D7FF, U+E000~U+10FFFF)
  4. Compound Types
    • tuples
      • fixed length
      • the types of the different value in the tuple don’t have to be the same
      • optional type annotations
      • use pattern matching to destructure a tuple value
      • x.0/x.1/….is also available
    • arrays
      • also fixed length(use vector if the size needs to be growed or shrinked)
      • every element must have the same type
      • data allocated on the stack rather than the heap
      • optional type annotation: [type; size]
      • using indexing, e.g.[], to access array elements
  5. Functions
    • fn
    • snake case
    • can be defined anywhere(before or after usage)
    • parameters
      • subtle difference from argument
      • must declare the type of each parameter
      • statements optionally ending in an expression
      • expressions do not include ending semicolons
      • return values: most functions return the last expression implicitly
    • start with two slashes //
    • documentation comments
  7. Control Flow
    • arms
    • condition: must be a bool, or we’ll get an error. No automatically conversion
    • if is an expression
    • loop, while, for
      • returning values from loops
      • for is the most common
      • Range(a type): e.g. (1..4), 1 included, 4 exclude