Completion For Vim

Posted by ChaosNyaruko on February 24, 2023


I have tried several completion schemes in vim/neovim, here is my experience.

Some cons may due to my lack of familiarity, and have solutions. I’m glad to have your feedback.



  • Almost IDE-like, shipped with many useful funtionalities.

    YCM also provides semantic IDE-like features in a number of languages, including:

    • displaying signature help (argument hints) when entering the arguments to a function call (Vim only)
    • finding declarations, definitions, usages, etc. of identifiers, and an interactive symbol finder
    • displaying type information for classes, variables, functions etc.,
    • displaying documentation for methods, members, etc. in the preview window, or in a popup next to the cursor (Vim only)
    • fixing common coding errors, like missing semi-colons, typos, etc.,
    • semantic renaming of variables across files,
    • formatting code,
    • removing unused imports, sorting imports, etc.


Almost perfect, but still have some problems, just for me, for now.

  • Version control of the language servers. (How can I use the same binary files with system PATH? Oh I find ‘g:ycm_rust_toolchain_root’ in FAQ, how about gopls? g:ycm_gopls_binary_path)
  • I will need to install it by compiling it, which might cause some problems. Thanks to the wonderful documentation, it is not that hard now. Besides I will need a ‘python3-supported’ vim version, which is not usually shipped with most distros. That means I may need to complie my own vim too. So it may take a long time to install it.
  • I have to ‘YcmRestartServer’ to make the diagnostics/completion work right when I update my dependencies in a project.(I don’t know how other alternatives behave, still trying)
  • I want to try neovim, and YCM is not offically supported for neovim.


Not much experience.


  • VSCode like, and has its own ecosystems. You can write plugins for coc with ts/js, amazing.
  • Easy installation.


  • Node.js runtime is needed.
  • Management of gopls server instance, I don’t know if it is fixed now.

Neovim built-in lsp with nvim-lspconfig/nvim-cmp/…


  • Built-in for neovim, less dependencies and more performant in theory.
  • Unix-like, atomic, I can configure what to complete easily. (Do not have to read the long documentation). The logic is somehow friendly.
  • You can config your own lsp or lsp-like features easily.


  • Less established.
  • With lots of seperated components, I may have to tune it by myself.