献给23届求学找工的同学–“Don’t Compare(不要比较)” from CS61A Fall 2019 Lecture 39 Video 4
Short notes
- Freedom
- Think about what is worth working on, since you only have so much time. Do something matters to both the world and you)
- Fulfilling work
- work on something you are good at
- you like what you are working on
- useful to the world in some way
- You can take some time to find it, just keep looking around
- Power
- Don’t screw it up, we are building the world
- Create a world that lots of people can contribute to it
- The world we have today is due to contributions of millions of people who all did their part
- Self-Worth
- Don’t compare
- Out there in real life, how you compare to somebody else doesn’t matter much at all
- What does matter is what you are capable of, what you do, how you choose to spend your time, and what impact you have on the world.
- It turns out your self-worth has nothing to do with what other people achieve, it has everything to do with what you achieve
I hope it sticks with you, and it’s not a good idea to spend your time comparing yourself to other people, and just focusing on improving yourself.