ChaosNyaruko's Digital Space

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.

Oil and vinegar - split windows and the project drawer

It’s a reposted post. See the original post Do you avoid using Vim’s split windows because they’re confusing? That might be a problem of your own devising. If you’ve bolted a project drawer onto...

The Curse of Docker

The ORIGINAL post 译 I’m heading to Las Vegas for re:invent soon, perhaps the most boring type of industry extravaganza there could be. In that spirit, I thought I would write something quick and ...


此文为原文的中文翻译,来自InfoQ 作者 J. B. Crawford 译者 核子可乐 策划 褚杏娟 GitLab 高级专业服务工程师、DevOps 顾问 J. B. Crawford 最近写了一篇关于抱...

Enough over Perfect

My attitudes towards playing with tools

Introduction Many people would say that configuring Vim/Emacs(or some other obsession with tools) is time-consuming and even be “a waste of time” 1. The core point is that tools are paths to the go...

How to Use ACME Script to Encrypt for your HTTPS Website.

If you find problems … Points for me to setup my server: Configure as root user is better, although non-root users still can find a way to do it (as the following). Set your web root folder to...

Why I try fish over zsh

I’ve been using zsh as my main shell for years. It works really well, and I love it. But recently, I started to give fish a try, and I found it is great and have set it as my default shell on my Ma...

When Online Shaming Goes Too Far

A talk from TED. “Humans over ideology”, please. We are in “grey areas”, not black OR white.

My opinions on worse-is-better

I got something from “Worse is Better” His example: two famous people, from MIT and Berkeley respectively, once met to discuss operating system issues. The “PC loser-ing” problem. The Berkeley (an...

What do I learn from trying to "master" an editor

Intro I am a Vim user(and now Neovim, wish that it wouldn’t be “was”). To be honest, I am not an expert on vim, and configuring my own vim really takes some time, but I really find something useful...

How to edit efficiently

inspired by Sharpen the saw You have to keep on tuning the set of commands you use for your needs. Use Feedback: Learn from what you do. Don’t try to ...