ChaosNyaruko's Digital Space

Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.

Bulk rename files with Vim

Unix Shell Create list of files \ls | vim - The backslash tells your shell to disregard any aliases for ls; we need plain output with no color. Vim will open, displaying a list of file names. Cha...

Vim or Neovim in 2023?

Prologue Vim is one of the most famous based text editors(somehow infamous for serveral reasons). Neovim is a really weel-known fork of Vim, which even has its own community. So which one should I ...

How to learn (neo)/vim?

Prelude This article is for those who decide to use vim/neovim or the key bindings. If you want to figure out whether you should learn it, you can refer to my previous article. The followin’...

tmux cheatsheat

Personal Advice Modify your .tmux.conf file. set -g mouse on change your prefix Example conf: set -g mouse on # remap prefix from 'C-b' to 'C-a' unbind C-b set-option -g prefix C-a bind-key ...



防杠声明Disclaimer 工具不是最重要的,最重要的永远是你的idea、核心逻辑和实现(不局限于编程),除非你的工作就是打磨工具本身 但顺手的工具至少可以让你在实现自己的想法时,不会被无关的事项掣肘,甚至形成瓶颈而半途而废 GUI也很好,但TUI/CLI也有自己的魅力和优势,本文只是强调后者,并不否定前者 为什么使用纯文本...

How can I access host in WSL?

Introduction Just my experience for visiting my host(or the services on my host) in a WSL. Differences between WSL1 and WSL2 My Environment A mac mini as server, A windows11 ...

Should I learn vim in 2023?

Introduction Vim is one of the most well-known editors(the other one is Emacs), maybe “infamous” for its steep learning curve. . Nowadays there are lots of good editors/IDEs(VS/VSCode/Atom/Sublim...

Completion For Vim

Start I have tried several completion schemes in vim/neovim, here is my experience. Some cons may due to my lack of familiarity, and have solutions. I’m glad to have your feedback. YouCompleteMe ...


开始 古人云“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,这是啥意思我就不科普了,想必大家都知道。然而现在也有个说法,叫做“差生文具多”,适用的场景包括但不局限于: “字面意思”, 上学时成绩一般的学生却有着很多高档或者花里胡哨的文具(这里没有贬低这些同学的意思,成绩说明不了很多问题,只是说明有时存在这个现象) 篮球场上的装备党,戴最拉网的装备,挨最重的打🤣 “立志”于培养自身某个习惯而购买了大...


今天翻iCloud老相册时,找到了大四在T大的某张PPT截图,照片的时间戳是2014年9月21日的晚上7点55,我早已不记得这是哪门课或者是哪门讲座,但是从相片的前后文来看,大概是推研时的介绍会所说的吧。 这段话听上去像是“毒鸡汤”,但我在翻看到这张相片时仍不免回忆,自己从读研到毕业工作后的这几年,是否做到了这几点。扪心自问,我似乎并没有做到这些看上去很明显应该做到的事情,很多时候因小失大...